Low-Cost / No-Cost College for Golden-Age Candidates
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The love of learning is not always apprehended by the youth. As children we start out curious and hopefully carry that inquisitiveness throughout our educations. But sometimes we get sidetracked and distractions set in. We lose that genuine thirst for knowledge until we get old enough to appreciate it. By then, the opportunities for grants and scholarships that were available to us in our teens have passed us by—or have they? There are ways for senior citizens to attend college at low or no cost!
Medical professionals tell us that one of the ways to stay spry as seniors is to engage the brain in activities that will stimulate neuro pathways. Therefore, some recommend crossword puzzles, reading, stimulating conversations, and interactions with others. Anything except sitting in front of the TV! While some may have degrees, many find it exciting to still engage in the learning process. If seniors are not pressed for time and are not seeking college credits to obtain a degree, this could be a wonderful opportunity.
Engage in Learning
The Bernard Osher Foundation provides 100+ programs for students over 50 at more than 350 colleges and universities across the US. Click here to learn more ›
There are lifelong learning opportunities all around us. Many folks are realizing they need to up their game on computer skills. Some feel the desire to engage in a field of study that could enhance their career. Others are choosing to learn a foreign language before traveling to new lands of adventure! Who wouldn’t want to participate in intellectually stimulating courses? Some are collaborating with highly respected medical schools to promote health and wellness, including classes on mindfulness, nutrition, exercise, acupuncture, yoga, and more!
If the elder wishes to take advantage of these classes and meets the requirements, there are tuition waivers available, so they may enroll in the for-credit classes at no cost. If for-credit courses are not available, the senior citizen student may have the chance to audit the course for free, relinquishing the credits but benefitting from the experience.
San Diego State University’s College of Extended Studies has Open U Classes that allow one to enroll without going through the formal admissions process. They offer university courses for students age 50 and older. With the Life Long Learning Institute at SDU, folks can take classes of interest without assignments, tests or grades. There is a huge selection of topics and activities offered each semester. Some courses provide a field trip-type adventure to facilitate the education rather than a lecture or book study.
Let’s not forget the social aspect. These golden aged achievers are making new friends one might otherwise never have encountered in another setting! One course even offers discussions based on TED TALKS viewed together. We are all lifelong learners and need to be nourishing our minds regularly, lest we become disengaged in the magnificent world around us. What better way than a no-cost college option for the golden age?
See What Seniors Are Saying Learn More Here