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Pennsylvania Funding Sources

Lifeway Mobility works with a multitude of different funding sources in Pennsylvania and we would like to share some of those organizations and options with you. Below is a list of resources that may be able to assist you. Specific details can be obtained by contacting the individual organization directly.

Disability Specific Organizations in Pennsylvania 

ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter

ALS Association Western PA Chapter

American Heart Association - Pennsylvania 


Harrisburg & Lancaster

Lehigh Valley & Northeast Division

Northeast OH & Western PA


Pittsburgh Metro

Multiple Sclerosis Society (PA)

Keystone Chapter (Pittsburgh & Erie)

Greater DE Valley Chapter (Philadelphia)

Alleghenies UCP (PIT)

UCP of Central PA

Pennsylvania Local & State Organizations

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF)

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation is state non-profit organization that helps people with disabilities  and local seniors acquire assistive technology devices and services that they may need to improve their quality of life

Achieva Family Trust

Established in 1998, the Achieva Family Trust is one of the largest and most respected corporate fiducieries for special needs trusts in Pennsylvania. They work to provide children with any type of disability, an equal opportunity at living a better quality life. 

AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania

AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania is a Medical Assistance (Medicaid) managed care health plan that serves around 200,000 people living in the Lehigh/Capital & Northwest regions of the state of Pennsylvania. They offers the typical benefits and services of regular Medical Assistance, plus additional special programs that are only available to members of AmeriHelath Caritas. Their programs help their members prevent injury and illness so that they can live better lives.

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) - Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging works to ensure older adults across the state have access to services that will allow them live healthy, safe, and independent lives as they age. Local aging programs, which are known as the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), provide information and services to seniors and their caregivers. Your AAA will help you gain access to the many available services in your area:

Allegheny County

Armstrong County

Beaver County

Berks County

Bucks County

Butler County

Chester County

Delaware County

Lawrence County

Montgomery County

Philadelphia County

Westmorland County

Don't see information listed for your county? Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Aging Website to locate your local area agency on aging.

Association of Housing & Redevelopment Agencies (PA)

SDHP’s Keystone Communities Program/PA Accessible Housing Grant provides home modifications to help increase accessibility for eligible individuals with disabilities in PA so they can remain independent in their homes.

Community Development Program of Beaver County

Established in 1975, the Beaver County Community Development Program focuses on improving the quality of live for local residents by improving their housing conditions. This program utilizes funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership (HOME) & Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). The funds obtained assist in providing affordable housing for homeless and low income individuals in the area.

Erie County Care Management (ECCM)

The Erie County Care Management (ECCM) Corporation was originally created in 1960 for individuals with intellectual disabilities, children with development delays, and persons with mental illness. The primary focus of the corporation is to promote community services into a system of care for children and adults in need of services, which are funded by the federal state, or county governments. 

Pennsylvania Link to Aging & Disabilities Resources

The Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources connects consumers to a wide range of services available to help meet their needs for independence.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)

The Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) provides services that help individuals with disabilities obtain or maintain their employment. Their services include diagnostic services, vocational evaluation, counseling, training, restoration services, assistive technology and other support services such as home modifications.

Transitional Paths to Independent Living (TRPIL)

Transitional Paths to Independent Living is a CIL that provides the five core independent living services (advocacy, independent living skills training, information & referral, peer support, & transition) and many other programs and services to help people with disabilities live independent lives. 

Voices for Independence (VFI)

Incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1993, Voices for Independence (VFI) provides independent living support and services that are respectful and responsive to people with disabilities. The organization is dedicated to helping these individuals become active members of their communities by improving the quality, independence, dignity, and control of their lives.

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