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Home Modifications for Outdoor Accessibility

Posted on by Gina Thompson

man in wheelchair using wheelchair lift to safely enjoy the outdoors

Creating an accessible home and outdoor space is vital to ensure you, your family, and your friends can enjoy it for years to come. Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act, there are now more resources than ever for modifications to make living in comfort accessible for everyone. 

From having a wheelchair ramp installed to adding motion-detecting lights, there are many ways to transform your outdoors into an inclusive space. Use this guide to help you get started on ways to modify your home and backyard for accessibility.

Wheelchair Ramps

wheelchair ramp professionally installed by Lifeway Mobility

Wheelchair ramps are the one of the best solutions that you can have installed to make your property accessible to wheelchair users and people who have difficulty walking. Ramps can be installed at doorways, on rough terrain, and alongside stairs.

One of the most common home accessibility failures is having a wheelchair ramp installed that is too steep, which creates a safety hazard for everyone using it. Professional installation by a reputable company can help ensure the ramp is safe too use.

Lifeway Mobility follows the ADA standard ratio that for every 1 inch of rise, there must be 12 inches of run. However, less run may be needed in some cases if someone is always assisting the user on the ramp or if they're using a powered chair.

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Wheelchair Lifts & Stair Lifts

A wheelchair lift is a great alternative to a wheelchair ramp when space outside of the home may be limited. These types of lifts offer safe home access for raised entryways with a single push of a button.

woman in wheelchair safely exits platform lift onto deck

Another solution to consider that can help overcome stairs is a stairlift. These types of lifts are beneficial for those that can safely transfer from one chair to another and sit/stand with limited assistance

Outdoor stairlifts are built to withstand the outdoor elements and can be installed onto staircases that are straight or ones with curves, turns, or intermediate landings. 

woman using outdoor stairlift to safely access her patio

Paved Pathways

smooth concrete paved pathway from front door of home to driveway

Accessible outdoor modifications can be as simple as changing the flooring and ground covering. Pave the area instead of using smooth stones or pebbles as pathways in grassy areas. This can be done with concrete or a leveled material. Not only should wheelchairs be able to glide, but people shouldn’t be able to trip or misstep easily.

Non-Slip Decks

Build patios and decks with non-slip materials or anti-slip finishing coats. This will prevent hazardous conditions when wet. Surfaces should have some texture so there is grip, making them more stable and safe for people using wheelchairs or mobility aids. 

Pool Lifts

Water sports, therapy, or simply enjoying some time in the pool can be accessible to everyone with a pool lift. Pool lifts are the perfect tool to ensure someone with a disability or limited mobility can get in and out of the water safely. Many are affordable and compact, and they can be customized to user preference. Pool lifts can be electrical or manual, and come with several options for seats and installation.

 caregiver helps lower woman into backyard pool with pool lift from Lifeway Mobility

Raised Garden Beds

woman in wheelchair gardening with raised garden beds

Gardening from a wheelchair is made possible with raised garden beds, smart watering systems, and native planting. Use plants native to your location for ground coverage. These plants are already adapted to the climate and weather, which means they require less maintenance.

For vegetables, fruit, flowers, and other plants you want to tend, use a raised garden bed. Each can be made to the height of your liking and can even be customized to fit garden tools or hang mulch bags. 

Motion-Detecting Lights

Outdoor lighting is necessary whether you are able-bodied or not. Light pathways with solar-powered torches and install motion-detecting lights in high-traffic areas. Not only will this lower your electric bill, but people in wheelchairs or with mobility issues won’t need to find a light switch in the dark. 

Accessible Door Handles and Locks

Accessible door handles and ADA-compliant door handles make it easy to open doors and get in and out of the house. Traditional door knobs might require a strong grip or be difficult for wheelchair users to operate. Lever handles, u-shape handles, and “push to open” door openers are the easiest to maneuver.

The Right Patio Furniture

Choosing the right patio furniture is already hard, but when looking for accessible furniture, you want things that are easy to get in and out of. Tables should also be at wheelchair height and have ample space underneath so wheelchairs and people's legs can fit without issue. 

Lowered Windows and Peepholes

Lower windows and door peepholes on doors to wheelchair height. Many things we take for granted like looking out the window or checking who is at the door before we open it are not something people in wheelchairs or with disabilities can do easily. Simply installing a lowered peephole to exterior doors will make your home more accessible. 


Don’t forget about what the outdoors of your home looks like during the winter. Some winterization tips for wheelchair ramps or platform lifts include clearing snow and ice from pathways and equipment and keeping ice melt in stock. If it's an option, having a lift or ramp installed in the garage rather than outside is easier and less of a hassle come winter.

wheelchair ramp winterized after snow and ice

Efforts to improve people’s quality of life are underway across the United States. According to 2024’s Leading Cities for Quality of Life, accessibility starts at home, and legislation like the Affordable Care Act is helping to address disparities in healthcare access nationwide.

older adults enjoy walk outside

Every measure should be taken to ensure your home and outdoor spaces are accessible for your friends and family. This way, everyone can experience the beauty of the outdoors without any obstacles.

Contact Lifeway Mobility to set up a free consultation. Our local accessibility experts can help you design an accessible home that bets fits your unique needs.

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