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Home Safety & Modifications

Best Accessible Travel Destinations for those with Disabilities

person circling cities on maps for accessible travel destinations

There are an estimated 3.3 million wheelchair users in the United States. As a result of increased awareness and new legislation, more and more travel destinations are seizing the opportunity to change their thinking about accessibility tourism. Instead of treating it as something that must be managed separately, more destinations now consider accessibility as mainstream. Along with mints on pillows and individually wrapped soaps, travelers will often also find wheelchair ramps and LU/LA elevators in many hotels.

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by Kylee Rivers  | 

Remote Monitoring Options for Adults Living at Home

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In a 2018 study by AARP, 76% of American age 50 or older said they would like to remain in their current residence as they age. However, as dealing with daily life at home grows more challenging due to accessibility limitations, memory problems, and other issues, staying at home becomes less possible. According to the AARP survey, only 46% of older adults think they will be able to stay at home.

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by John Burfield  | 

Memorial Day: Helping Veterans

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I was in the home of a veteran recently; he had served in WWII. At 94 years of age he shared how he had dodged bullets and land mines. He had stories most of us could never imagine. The vet explained how at a young age, he was invincible—but today, he’s afraid of the stairs. It was difficult for him to comprehend how his life had changed, and now this soldier had anxiety over walking down steps.

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Posted 5/23/2019

What is an Occupational Therapist and What Do They Do?

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Since April is Occupational Therapy Month, it’s a good time to reflect on how occupational therapists help improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world each year. Despite the important services they provide, many people don’t understand what an occupational therapist (OT) does. An OT is a licensed health and rehabilitation professional that works with people of all ages with mental, physical, developmental, social or emotional problems to develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills.

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by John Burfield  | 

Handrails and Grab Bars - Effective Fall Prevention

As we age, our balance, strength, and vision can begin to decline, and navigating stairways, steps, stoops, and landings can become increasingly difficult. Progressive illnesses and injuries can also cause these familiar household structures to become hazardous. In fact, falls are the leading cause of death and injury to older adults and a common reason that people give up on independent living.

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by John Burfield  | 

Driver Rehabilitation: What You Should Know

driving evaluations

Do you remember what it was like when you first started driving? For many, the ability to drive marked a rite of passage that signified the transition into adulthood and ushered in new found independence and freedom.

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by John Burfield  | 

Ceiling Lift Installation

Ceiling Lift Installation

Layout and Design Overhead ceiling lifts have been available for many years.  Most people are not aware that such items exists.  Depending on a person’s mobility, an overhead track lift could be a great solution for anyone having difficulty transferring from bed to chair. We normally recommend a lift system over the bed area. In this particular home we installed a lift that travels from the bed into the family room, through the hallway and into a bathroom.  This is not a typical lift layout, but we pride ourselves in creating solutions for our clients. Structural Modifications This two story home has been engineered with TJI joist and multiple ceiling heights. Most new homes nowadays have such a joist.  TJI Joist and overhead lifts don’t go well together, and here’s why: ceilings are made to hold the floor above, not a hoist from below.  With some design work and modification to the ceiling and door ways, we were able to get this track system installed. Types of Overhead Lifts and Alternatives If one is considering a ShowerBuddy transfer system, it’s good to understand that in most cases this can prevent a rail from traveling throughout the home. We would normally recommend an overhead lift that starts over the bed transferring onto a TubBuddy system. This way the end user can be rolled over a toilet and slide into the tub. There are multiple types of installations available for overhead lifts. We prefer to use a wall mounting system which would prevent modification to the ceiling. Such installations are normally quick and can be removed with very little damage to the walls. If one wishes to travel from room to room, a wall mounted system cannot be used. .   . .       .   .    .   

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by John Burfield  | 

Holiday Home Safety Tips

Holiday trees and lighting safety tips

Holiday lighting, decorations, trees and more help to put everyone in the holiday mood. All of these things help set a cheerful holiday atmosphere, but they also pose hidden dangers. These tips can help you keep your family and home safe.

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by Eric Rubel  | 

Walk-in Bathtubs: Did You Know...?

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Walk-in bathtubs have long been known as an accessible bathing solution for people with limited mobility. But did you know that recent studies have also highlighted the therapeutic benefits of walk-in tubs? A walk-in tub can help people with a variety of conditions, including:

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by John Burfield  | 

Making Your Home Safe for Elderly Visitors During the Holidays

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Fast approaching is that wonderful time of year when family and friends gather to celebrate the holidays. Often that means events and parties that include elderly parents, friends or relatives. Whether an elderly relative or friend with limited mobility is coming for the afternoon or staying longer, it is best to consider their safety and comfort.

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by Dan Martin  | 

Aging in Place: Alternatives to Leaving the Home You Love

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Many people are caught in a dilemma of difficult decisions. Perhaps they have had a recent fall, surgery, or illness that has them feeling pressured to leave their home. This is the home they raised their children in, that precious place of happy holidays, where abundant memories were made. The very thought of leaving home is painful, so why not look at alternatives for aging in place rather than leaving the home you love?

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Posted 11/6/2018

Long-Term Care Planning

Long-term care planning can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Many people wish to age within the home they have come to love. It is important to have a discussion with your doctor and loved ones to decide if this is the best option. 70% of people who are 65 or older can anticipate using some form of long-term care2. 80% of those who receive long-term care (LTC) support live in a community setting or age-in-place by living at home2.

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Posted 11/5/2018

Top 5 Tips for Family Caregivers

November is National Family Caregiver Month, and it is important to recognize and celebrate what these caregivers do to help others, often putting their own mental and physical well being at risk. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, approximately 43.5 million family caregivers have provided unpaid care to an adult or child with a disability or chronic illness in the last year. These caregivers perform tasks that range from household activities such as shopping, food preparation, house cleaning, laundry, and transportation to more complex chronic care tasks such as providing medications, feeding, dressing, grooming, walking, bathing, toileting, coordinating medical care, and managing finances.

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by John Burfield  | 

Top 5 Home Modifications for Accessibility

As we age, tasks that we once took for granted such as climbing the stairs or taking a shower, can become a challenge. If you or a loved one are planning to Age-in-Place, there many home modifications or adaptations that can help make this a reality.

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by John Burfield  | 

The Benefits of Having a Professional Home Safety Evaluation

As you begin your search for “aging in place” items to help you transition to a safer home environment, making a purchase decision is not always easy. Many products look useful, but may not be the best solution for your unique home. With the numerous options advertised, it can be difficult to know which products and solutions are worth spending money on to allow for safety and comfort at home as we age.

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by John Burfield  | 

Extended Home Living Services joins Lifeway Mobility

Lifeway Mobility is excited to announce that Extended Home Living Services (EHLS) — a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist, licensed general contractor, and licensed elevator contractor providing lifts and accessibility modifications in the greater Chicago area, southeast Wisconsin and northwest Indiana — has joined Lifeway Mobility.

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by John Burfield  | 

Improve the Safety of Home Entrances with Wheelchair Ramps and Railings

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Increasing client mobility and safety at entrances of the home often includes the installation of railing(s) and wheelchair-accessible ramps. Lifeway Mobility specializes in designing and building permanent wooden ramps that are ADA compatible or installing temporary modular aluminum ramps. Our aluminum wheelchair ramps are also available for rent.

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Posted 7/20/2018

Improving Home Safety for Individuals with Visual Impairments

Vision loss occurs gradually as we age. The American Academy of Family Physicians reports that the leading cause of vision loss is Cataracts. Cataracts affect half of the individuals who are 75 years or older. More accidents happen inside the home than anywhere else, even for individuals who are not blind or otherwise visually impaired. Consequently, it’s imperative that everyone develops and maintains strong safety habits in and around the home. For those who are starting to experience vision loss, this is especially true.

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by John Burfield  | 

April is Occupational Therapy Awareness Month

senior man holding stress ball for wrist therapy

April is National Occupational Therapy Month. This month is all about increasing awareness about all the benefits of Occupational Therapy, as well as the professionals who provide it. Occupational therapists work with individuals from age newborn through adult, which is why there are so many misperceptions concerning OT and also explains why people are not sure what exactly occupational therapy is.

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Posted 4/19/2018

Safety Pole Systems: What is a SuperPole and how can it help you?

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If you use a mobility device such as a walker or a cane to help you stand from a seated position, you probably know that this can be a tricky maneuver that often requires assistance from another person. It may also be a safety concern. Fortunately, there are a series of affordable safety pole systems that can assist with the sit-to-stand motion for those with limited mobility.

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by John Burfield  | 

Misconception #4: Aging in Place is Only Practical in the Suburbs

According to a survey completed by HomeAdvisor, sixty-five percent of homeowners who are over the age of 55 say the physical layout of their home will be appropriate as they age. However, approximately two-thirds of those living in rural or suburban homes are more apt to believe this than those who live in urban homes (50 percent). Similarly, urban homeowners are more likely than rural and suburban homeowners to have completed or considered an aging-in-place renovation. Only 21 percent of rural or suburban homeowners have previously completed an aging-in-place renovation and 34 percent of them have never contemplated one, compared to the 31 percent and 15 percent, respectively, among homeowners in urban areas. Collectively, these data suggest a common belief that it’s easier to age in place in rural and suburban homes than in urban homes.

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by John Burfield  | 

Misconception #3: Smart Home Technology is Simply for Convenience

Though the majority of homeowners over age 55 (67 percent) think that as they age it could be helpful, only 19 percent say they have contemplated investing in smart-home technology for that reason. This is likely because technology is still often seen as a luxury convenience rather than a sensible necessity. In fact, homeowners who haven’t considered smart-home technology to assist them with aging in place say that the most common reasons are: that they either didn’t need or are not interested in such technology (45 percent), that it is too expensive to buy (29 percent) and that it’s too expensive to install (25 percent).

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by John Burfield  | 

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