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Quality of Life

Celebrate Your Independence!

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Chances are we have all been in a situation at some point in our lives when we were physically disabled or put out of commission for a season. Perhaps it was a broken arm in grade school, a fractured leg from skiing, or a surgical procedure that made us feel like we were dependent on others and kept us in the hospital without access to the usual pleasures of our own home.

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Posted 6/25/2019

Top Ten Mother’s Day Gifts

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People all over the world are searching for the top ten Mother’s Day gift ideas. They are wondering what to get Mom and how fast can Amazon deliver? For those who did not plan, here are some ideas: 1 – Book a Day at the Spa Moms work hard caring for their families and it’s never easy. Allowing her the pleasure of pulling away from the stress to enjoy a massage and rejuvenate is a spectacular idea! 2 – Give the Gift of Pampering A mani-pedi or a facial is a wonderful treat for Mom to feel good and come out looking prettier than ever! 3 – Lotions and Potions What’s her favorite scent? If she’s a citrus lover, maybe a nice orange bergamot hand crème would do the trick. If she prefers flowers, then lilac, gardenia, or honeysuckle body butter could make her day! 4 – The Gift of Time Watches have made a comeback, but the real offering here is what time can do for Mom on Mother’s Day. Time with her children as they celebrate her does wonders for her heart. Know that time is a gift we can never get back and choosing to give mom your time and attention will always be the perfect choice. Time alone so Mom can read, nap, or soak in the tub uninterrupted would also be medicine for her soul. 5 – Candles Light up her life with candles in her favorite colors. Select aromas that give her a sense of calm. Be the light in your community and make her proud! 6 – Words For Mother’s Day, select books or audios that will brighten and encourage her to continue to be the woman she was destined to be all along. Sometimes life can make one weary, so why not fuel her heart with strength and inspiration? 7 – Music Concert ticket are always nice, but if it’s too late or just not in the budget why not treat her to a home cooked meal (or her favorite takeout) and have candlelight and music fill the house. Maybe the musicians she admires are from an era you know nothing about. Letting her revel in the tunes from her day could spark some entertaining stories she has kept in her memory all these years. 8 – Flowers Fresh flowers are lovely, but what about planting Mom’s favorites in her yard for her so she can enjoy them for months to come? If not the yard, then potted plants on her patio or balcony will also deliver joy! 9 – Memory Maker Sometimes life can feel like a whirlwind and if Mom’s memory is not so great, make the time to share special moments that she created for you throughout your life. Tell her how those times made you feel. Explain the emotions attached to the perfume she used to wear or how your childhood was impacted by her cooking, her advice or her hugs. 10 – Maid for a Day I have never met a Mom who wouldn’t want someone to clean her house! Having the chance to skip housework for once would be an absolute treat! Let her go have fun and take care of the chores so she can come home to a sparkly house. Nothing says, “Mom we love you”, more than taking the load off of her when she least expects it!

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Posted 5/10/2019

Anxiety vs Longevity

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Centenarians—we know they exist, we may personally have met one in our own lifetime, but what is it that gives them the drive to thrive for 100 years or more?

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Posted 3/28/2019

Six Steps to Take After a Stroke

Six Steps to Take After a Stroke

We’ve met many stroke patients throughout the years; perhaps you have too. Or maybe you have come through the scary experience yourself! Even though there are different types of strokes with equally haunting names, the stroke does not discriminate in the people it chooses. Patients of all ages and ethnicity have endured this experience and have come out on the other side with a new name: “Stroke Survivor.” Having met with many survivors, we discovered that many say the same things about their journey. Hopefully these six steps will help you or someone you love as well.

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Posted 1/17/2019

When Life’s Not Fair

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Jerry had spent most of his adult life as a firefighter, rescuing people, pets, and property. He loved what he did, and he was good at it! He found fulfillment in helping people in crisis—but he never expected to become one of those people.

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Posted 10/9/2018

Wheelchair Accessible Home for ALS Veteran in Colorado

After being diagnosed with ALS, Larry chose to prepare his home to accommodate his FUTURE accessibility needs. The key word is FUTURE. Learning of the diagnosis was not easy, yet he has accepted it, and with acceptance comes change. He has taken multiple steps to achieve a wheelchair accessible home, to plan for the when: When he needs a power chair When he needs access into his home When he needs a bathroom that will fit a power chair When he needs to get downstairs When he needs to go outside to enjoy the outdoors When he needs support from loved ones Larry is a very special man, husband, father, grandfather and friend. We invite you to meet him to learn how he has chosen to plan for his FUTURE, for WHEN he will need a wheelchair accessible home.

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Posted 8/15/2018

Ages and Stages of Life

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Seventy-five years ago, it was very common for families in America to house several generations under one roof. It was typical for Dad to be the breadwinner, Mom to be the homemaker, and the children to be surrounded by an aunt, grandparent, or even great-grandparent.

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Posted 4/18/2018

8 Tips to Make Your Home Wheelchair Accessible

At some point, due to age or disability, you or a loved one may be faced with the prospect of having to use a wheelchair to assist in your primary mobility at home. Whether it be a temporary fixture to your home or something that will be more permanent, there are a number of simple modifications that can help improve accessibility and make life easier. If you are like most people, you live in a home that was not designed to accommodate wheelchairs. Below are some simple ideas on how to make sure that you will be able to stay in your home despite the necessity of a wheelchair.

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by Chris Frombach  | 

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