Commercial Wheelchair Lift for Tesla Motors
At the Tesla Motors Highland Park location, a solution was needed to allow customers to access their offices.
Browse our success stories to learn more about Lifeway Mobility’s ability to evaluate the home environment, identify problem areas, and deliver accessibility products and solutions to people facing a variety of mobility challenges.
Whether you are recovering from surgery, struggling with a permanent injury, or aging in place, our specialists can help you choose a quality product or solution to help you maintain safety and independence in your home.
At the Tesla Motors Highland Park location, a solution was needed to allow customers to access their offices.
A retired firefighter and navy veteran and was in a nursing home because his home was not wheelchair accessible.
A staircase with multiple turns posed a challenge for a wheelchair user, but a custom curved stair lift made the home accessible.
A 59-year-old with a spinal cord injury lived alone in a multi-story single-family home.
A home evaluation was recommended before an 81-year-old patient returned home from a hospital stay for fall-related injuries.